- FEATURE: Implemented get domain alias by name in API
- FEATURE: Implemented support for indexing of IDNA addresses
- FIX: Accessing spam quarantine generates error
- FIX: Deleting a user generates an error
- FIX: Allow deleting list items of domains that have been removed
- FIX: Display correct error in quarantine reports cmd
- FIX: Exception sending cmdline quarantine rpts
- FIX: Internal close invalidates the full session
- FIX: celery task update_queue_stats fails
- FIX: Catch integerity error in dbclean
- FIX: Exception in domain aliases API
- FIX: local variable pheader referenced before assignment
- FIX: Close open redirect in /accounts/loggedout
- FIX: Add locking to sa rules updates
- FIX: Conversion exception in lists module
- FIX: Generate user reports before admin reports
- FIX: Deletion of org smarthosts failed
- FIX: Unbound session error when deleting an alias
- FIX: Key error when accessing login.action path
- FIX: InvalidCodepoint when displaying IDNA encoded user parts