Old Versions


Upgrade Type

  • Enhancement
  • Bug fix

Backward compatibility

This release introduces backwards incompatible database schema changes.

New dependencies

  • tinycss
  • oauthlib

New configuration options

  • baruwa.languages - Sets the languages that should be enabled and available. This limits the languages available to only the configured languages.
  • baruwa.default.language - Sets the default system language.

Updated configuration options

  • challenge_decider - Has been changed to a Baruwa function, the old one was a repoze function. The new option is baruwa.lib.auth.middleware:baruwa_challenge_decider
  • celery.queues - The fanout queue is not named just fanout without the FQDN


Review the changelog for version 2.0.6 and read the updated documentation before you proceed with the upgrade.

Backup your current system:

tar cjvf /usr/local/src/baruwa-configs.tar.bz2 /etc/baruwa

Automated installs

Download and install the updated puppet toaster:

curl -O https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjvf puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2 -C /etc/puppet/

Perform the upgrade:

yum upgrade -y
yum install rpmconf
rpmconf -a -c
export CCFG=/etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp
export BCFG=/etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp.orig
export NCFG=/etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/init.pp
cp ${CCFG} ${BCFG}
/etc/puppet/bin/update-puppet-config.pl -oldconfig ${BCFG} -newconfig ${NCFG} > ${CCFG}
puppet apply ${CCFG}
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/templates/*
service mailscanner restart
service uwsgi restart
service baruwa restart

Manual installs

Update the database schema:

psql -Ubaruwa baruwa
baruwa=> ALTER TABLE maildomains ADD column virus_actions smallint;
baruwa=> ALTER TABLE maildomains ADD column virus_checks_at_smtp boolean;
baruwa=> UPDATE maildomains SET virus_actions=2 WHERE virus_actions IS NULL;
baruwa=> UPDATE maildomains SET virus_checks_at_smtp='t' WHERE virus_checks_at_smtp IS NULL;
baruwa=> ALTER TABLE relaysettings ADD COLUMN low_score double precision;
baruwa=> ALTER TABLE relaysettings ADD COLUMN high_score double precision;
baruwa=> ALTER TABLE relaysettings ADD COLUMN spam_actions smallint;
baruwa=> ALTER TABLE relaysettings ADD COLUMN highspam_actions smallint;
baruwa=> UPDATE relaysettings SET low_score=0.0 WHERE low_score IS NULL;
baruwa=> UPDATE relaysettings SET high_score=0.0 WHERE high_score IS NULL;
baruwa=> UPDATE relaysettings SET spam_actions=2 WHERE spam_actions IS NULL;
baruwa=> UPDATE relaysettings SET highspam_actions=2 WHERE highspam_actions IS NULL;

Update the configuration files by referring to the configuration file section. The following files will require updating.

  • /etc/exim/exim.conf
  • /etc/exim/macros.conf
  • /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf

You can generate a new Baruwa configuration by running:

paster make-config baruwa /etc/baruwa/production.ini

Create additional database tables:

paster setup-app /etc/baruwa/production.ini

Generate the required MailScanner rulesets:

paster update-rulesets /etc/baruwa/production.ini

Clean up and restart the required services:

yum install rpmconf -y
rpmconf -a -c
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/templates/*
service mailscanner restart
service uwsgi restart
service baruwa restart


Upgrade Type

  • Enhancement
  • Bug fix

Backward compatibility

This release introduces a backwards incompatible database schema change. The relaysettings table has been modified to support the relay settings description.

New dependencies


New configuration options

  • baruwa.memcached.host - Sets the address of the memcached server, this used for the distributed locking in a cluster.


Review the changelog for version 2.0.5 and read the updated documentation before you proceed with the upgrade.

Backup your current system:

tar cjvf /usr/local/src/baruwa-configs.tar.bz2 /etc/baruwa

Modify the relaysettings table, you will need to supply the Baruwa PostgreSQL password:

psql -Ubaruwa baruwa
baruwa=> ALTER TABLE relaysettings ADD column description varchar(255);

Download and install the updated puppet toaster:

curl -O https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjvf puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2 -C /etc/puppet/

Perform the upgrade:

yum upgrade -y
cp /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp.orig
/etc/puppet/bin/update-puppet-config.pl -oldconfig /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp.orig \
-newconfig /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/init.pp > /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp
puppet -v /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp
service mailscanner restart
service uwsgi restart
service baruwa restart


Upgrade Type

  • Enhancement
  • Bug fix

Backward compatibility

This release introduces a backwards incompatible database schema change. The quickpeek database view has been modified to better order the options returned.

New dependencies


New configuration options



Review the changelog for version 2.0.4 and read the updated documentation before you proceed with the upgrade.

Backup your current system:

tar cjvf /usr/local/src/baruwa-configs.tar.bz2 /etc/baruwa

Download and install the updated puppet toaster:

curl -O https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjvf puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2 -C /etc/puppet/

Perform the upgrade:

yum upgrade -y
paster setup-app /etc/baruwa/production.ini
puppet -v /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp
service mailscanner restart
service uwsgi restart
service baruwa restart


Upgrade Type

  • Enhancement
  • Bug fix

Backward compatibility

This release does not introduce any backwards incompatible changes.

New dependencies


New configuration options

  • baruwa.dkim.selector - Sets the DKIM selector name default: baruwa


Review the changelog for version 2.0.3 and read the updated documentation before you proceed with the upgrade.

Backup your current system:

tar cjvf /usr/local/src/baruwa-configs.tar.bz2 /etc/baruwa

Download and install the updated puppet toaster:

curl -O https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjvf puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2 -C /etc/puppet/

Perform the upgrade:

yum upgrade -y
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/cache/*
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/sessions/*
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/templates/*
service uwsgi restart
service baruwa restart
puppet -v /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp


Upgrade Type

  • Enhancement
  • Bug fix

Backward compatibility

This release introduces a backwards incompatible database schema change. The UNIQUE INDEX on the message-id field has been dropped to allow for duplicate message-id’s to be supported. Duplicate message-id’s may occur in high volume environments.

The template variables for the messages/preview.html and the status/preview.html templates have changed. The changes allow for the support of alternative message format display as well as displaying correctly formatted HTML messages. If you have customized your templates, you will need to review the new variable format and update your customized templates.

New dependencies

  • cssutils
  • pyzmail

New configuration options



Review the changelog for version 2.0.2 and read the updated documentation before you proceed with the upgrade.

Backup your current system:

tar cjvf /usr/local/src/baruwa-configs.tar.bz2 /etc/baruwa

Download and install the updated puppet toaster:

curl -O https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjvf puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2 -C /etc/puppet/

Modify the message-id index, you will need to supply the Baruwa PostgreSQL password:

psql -Ubaruwa baruwa
baruwa=> DROP INDEX ix_messages_messageid;
baruwa=> CREATE INDEX ix_messages_messageid ON messages(messageid);

Perform the upgrade:

yum upgrade -y
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/cache/*
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/sessions/*
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/templates/*
service uwsgi restart
service baruwa restart
puppet -v /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp

If you had customized your interface, then update the changed templates to use the new variables.


Upgrade Type

  • Security [Severity: Medium]
  • Bug fix
  • Enhancement

Backward compatibility

This release does not introduce any backwards incompatible changes.

New dependencies

  • sqlparse

New configuration options

  • ms.quarantine.shared - Enables and disables shared quarantine features default: disabled
  • baruwa.themes.base - Sets the directory containing themes default: /usr/share/baruwa/themes
  • baruwa.custom.name - Sets the custom product name for rebranding default: Baruwa Hosted
  • baruwa.custom.url - Sets the url for the product default: http://www.baruwa.net/


Baruwa Enterprise Edition has switched from using the certificate authenticated repository to a Spacewalk managed entitlement system. In order to access the new system you need to install the Spacewalk client tools and obtain an activation key for your server entitlement.

Review the changelog for version 2.0.1 and read the updated documentation before you proceed with the upgrade.

Backup your current system:

tar cjvf /usr/local/src/baruwa-configs.tar.bz2 /etc/baruwa
tar cjvf /usr/local/src/baruwa-software.tar.bz2 /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/baruwa

When ready to perform the upgrade, have your activation key handy then run the following commands, replace <activation-key> with your actual activation key:

rpm -Uvh https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/baruwa-enterprise-release-6-2.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/1.9/RHEL/6/x86_64/spacewalk-client-repo-1.9-1.el6.noarch.rpm
yum install rhn-client-tools rhn-check rhn-setup rhnsd m2crypto yum-rhn-plugin -y
rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=http://bn.baruwa.com/XMLRPC --activationkey=<activation-key>

Download and install the updated puppet toaster:

curl -O https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjvf puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2 -C /etc/puppet/

Review the new options available to the puppet manifest and add to your previous manifest, then run:

yum upgrade -y
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/cache/*
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/sessions/*
rm -rf /var/lib/baruwa/data/templates/*
service uwsgi restart
service baruwa restart
puppet -v /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp

If you had customized your interface, then follow the theming guidelines to create a theme that will not be overridden by your next update.