Scanning Nodes

In order to manage the scanner settings as well as get status information on your Baruwa servers you need to add them as scanning nodes.

Adding a Scanning Node


Only add systems of Standalone, Web and Mail System and Mail System profile.

To add a scanning node, you:

  1. Mouse over or Click Settings
  2. Click Add scanning node
  3. Enter the Hostname in the Hostname field
  4. Enter the IP address [only on clustered setups]
  5. Change the port if using different port [only on clustered setups]
  6. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked
  7. Click the Add node button

Update a Scanning Node

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select the Scanning Node in the list and click the edit icon
  3. Make the required changes
  4. Click the Update node button

Delete a Scanning Node

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select the Scanning Node in the list and click the delete icon
  3. Click the Delete node button

Customize Node scanner settings

You can customize scanner settings for a specific node.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select the scanning node > Click settings under actions
  3. Make the changes
  4. Click the Save settings button

Customize the Global scanner settings

These settings apply to all scanners that are managed from within this interface.

  1. Mouse over or Click Settings
  2. Click BaruwaScanner settings
  3. Make the changes
  4. Click the Save settings button

Adding an IP Address

Baruwa supports the use of Random IP addresses from an address pool as well as the assignment of dedicated IP addresses to domains, delivery servers and fallback servers. The IP addresses need to be added to the server entry in the management interface.


Prior to adding the IP address here you need to add it to the server configuration files and bring up the interface then test that it is working. Adding the IP address here does not configure the address on the actual OS interface.

To add an address to a server.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select the scanning node > Click the hostname
  3. Click Add IP Address
  4. Enter the IP Address in the IP Address field
  5. Enter an Optional description
  6. Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked
  7. Check the External checkbox if this address is used to deliver internet mail
  8. Click the Add IP Address button

Updating an IP Address

To update an existing IP address.


Editing the IP address here has no effect on the actual OS interface, that needs to be updated via the configuration on the node itself.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select the scanning node > Click the hostname
  3. Select the IP address in the list and Click the Edit IP Address icon
  4. Make the required changes
  5. Click the Update IP Address button

Deleting an IP Address

To delete an existing IP address.


Deleting the IP address here has no effect on the actual OS interface, that needs to be deleted/disabled via the configuration on the node itself.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select the scanning node > Click the hostname
  3. Select the IP address in the list and Click the Delete IP Address icon
  4. Click the Delete IP Address button